Opsydia has expanded its portfolio of market-leading devices to include a Surface ID System (D4000), which is now accessible to international customers alongside the existing Sub-Surface ID System (D5000).
Opsydia Collaborates with Emerald Supplier Myne London
Leading gemstone security specialist, Opsydia, has collaborated with ethical and sustainable emerald supplier, Myne London, to permanently place its brand logo beneath the surface of its traceable emerald melee supply from Pakistan. The Opsydia team worked with Myne...
Opsydia technology advances to secure identity of melee diamonds
Leading diamond security specialist, Opsydia, has honed its sub-surface laser technology to such an extent that it can now place permanent identifiers in melee diamonds without affecting their surface polish. Diamonds that are just 0.5 millimetres in diameter can have...
Opsydia unveils customisable Nano ID and Loupe ID features for diamond trades
Leading diamond security specialist, Opsydia, has unveiled new classifications for its sub-surface identifiers, allowing diamond manufacturers, brands and grading houses to choose from a range of visibilities to suit their specific requirements. Utilising the laser...